These amazing images were made possible with the help of the following people; First and foremost, Rod "the God" an Art patron from the Covington area, Goodfellas Pizza in Covington and Cincinnati, AM 700 (Bill Cunningham) ABC and Fox news, special thanks to City Beat and Jesse Fox for experiencing the Art from the inside. And of course, the 59 brave volunteers that had the courage to bare all in the name of Art.

Many more locations are on the list to shoot, I will be back, on occasion, to pay homage to the great institutions of this amazing area.

I am now a life-long fan of Cincinnati and Covington, I fell in love on the Roebling Bridge! The local history, beauty and pride are unmatched. I will be back in July for the All-Star game, to shoot the Davidson Fountain with a huge group! 

Here are some ASG pics

I love you!